
Advanced guides

Writing Your Own Plugin

This guide is more for advanced users looking to unleash the full potential of UserGe by creating their own plugins to assist with their needs. For new users, an understanding of the Python programming language as well as Pyrogram may be needed to make this task easier to understand.

Example Command

from userge import userge, Message

@userge.on_cmd("test", about="help text to this command")
async def test_cmd(message: Message):
   # some other stuff
   await message.edit("testing...")
   # some other stuff

Example Filter

from userge import userge, Message, filters

@userge.on_filters( & filters.private)
async def test_filter(message: Message):
   # some other stuff
   await message.reply(f"you typed - {message.text}")
   # some other stuff
How To Use (FAQ's)